Sunday 15 September 2013


By Jack Price @PriceyJ97 - @BoxingOpinions1

He's done it again! Floyd Mayweather defeats another young 'hungry' challenger that people said 'had a chance' and looks punch-perfect whilst doing it. Were we really expecting anything different?

That's right. In case you haven't heard, the pound-for-pound king Floyd Mayweather has moved to 45-0 with a dominant victory over the 23-year old Mexican superstar Saul 'Canelo' Alvarez. The fight was actually scored a majority decision, but the judge that scored it even at 114-114, CJ Ross, will surely be sacked by sunrise. It was a clear points victory for Mayweather and you couldn't argue with him being given every round. The other two scores were 116-112 & 117-111. I scored the fight 118-111 and still felt a little generous towards Canelo.

And we can't take anything away from the young Mexican. he was smart, tactical, showed heart and did what he had to do. He just simply wasn't good enough to match the ring master that he was in with. He did have some success throughout the fight but only really when Mayweather took his foot off the gas. The first few rounds were tentative and cagey from both men with Mayweather just nicking them with the few shots he threw and landed. From around the 4th onward Mayweather gained momentum and settle into his groove, looking comfortable and content at all times. There were a few points in the fight that we got the feeling that he came close to taking Alvarez out but as we know, Floyd isn't bothered about getting the stoppage.

Both fighters were respectful in their post-fight interviews. Mayweather showed respect to the young warrior and also said he will be back fighting and beating the best very soon. And Canelo showed respect and a little admiration for the man that had just given him a boxing lesson.

The question once again, like after every Mayweather fight, is 'What is next for boxing's No.1?' Who else is there out there that cause him any trouble? Saul Alvarez was meant to be his toughest test.

I personally would like to see him take on Danny Garcia, who stole the show in his chief-support bout with highly-rated Argentinian banger Lucas Matthysse. I would expect the same sort of victory for Floyd but Danny looked incredible in the ring tonight and I don't think there's anybody more deserving right now. But lets not worry about the future for now. Lets live in the present and take in the fantastic, punch-perfect performance that we just witnessed from Floyd 'Money' Mayweather. It is all history in the making.

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